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These are some publications of which Peter Frühmann is
the main author or co-author
Common Ground Common Future - Applying Storytelling in Conflict
and Polarisation
Frühmann P., Barel A., Gavrilovici O., Dahlsveen H.
International Theatre and Film Books · November 2021
ISBN: 9789 064039 126
This book has been written for an Erasmus+ project.
In times of crisis, conflict and polarization, it may pay for those involved to share and analyse stories to find common ground and a common future, sustainable and safe for all. If we understand the causes and drivers of conflict (i.e. contexts, language, emotions, memories) we might be able to initiate and support desired change. The book is a compendium, based on the most recent and relevant experiences of the project partners, (current) literature of academic researchers from various disciplines, and experienced practitioners in these fields.
Constructive Conversations - Storytelling applied to guidance, consultancy, communities and organizations
Pammer I., Frühmann P.
Euroguidance Fachtagung (Lifelong Guidance in einem dynamischen Arbeitsmarkt), Vienna, November 2018
A conference paper within the context of the Erasmus+ ‘StoryTeller’ project, an international partnership funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It gives a short overview of how narrative practices and storytelling (and –listening) methods can overcome limiting beliefs and can support in deconstructing dominant narratives, and can help to build alternative (future) narratives. We hope to make you aware of the possibilities and potential of working with stories.
The Times They Art A-Changing - An essay on art-based learning
applied to leadership
Frühmann P.
Erasmus+ project Artful Leader · June 2018 (published on Research Gate)
This conference paper (Artful Leader, Porto, Portugal) is a personal tour past the functions and roles of the arts and their influence on individuals, communities and societies. How they can confront us with visions, dilemmas, aesthetics and ethics, reflections and solutions, and by doing so might be able to provide new directions, innovative tools and concrete actions for present and future leaders and their communities.
The essay is an attempt to prove the Erasmus+ Artful Leader project’s value and to support its objectives. The presented resources are the Project’s State of The Art report, personal reflections, notes from past and present literature, and highlights of postings by the partners during more than two years on the project’s Facebook group, which include references to accessible literature and relevant videos.
Raising Strong and Resilient Communities
Frühmann P., Frezza L., Broer Y., Mogensen L., Hamilton J.
Erasmus+ · September 2016 - ISBN 978-952-7076-34-7
This is a handbook and practical manual on working with stories in and for communities. It was created during a 2-year Erasmus+ (research) project with 8 partners within the European Community. It contains not only a theoretical background on stories general and in communities (and their members), identity, social discourses, narrative practices, approaches and methods, but also concrete activities for trainers, educators and volunteers who want to facilitate working with stories towards the creation of empowerment and resilience and (better) future stories for communities and their individual members.
The RSRC project has received a 'Good Practice' label from Erasmus+
Do we need a perfect language or good stories?
An essay on language acquisition and use
Frühmann P.
Fictions - Fabricio Serra Editore, Pisa - Roma · June 2016
This essay is inspired any the perceived 'obsession' that languages should be (grammatically) spoken and written flawlessly. Reading literature connected to language acquisition, I became interested in the onset of languages and encountered storytelling, or better: working with stories to become a competent language user.
An ‘Evolutionary’ Case for Storytelling
Frühmann P.
Newsletter - The Europe+ Narrative Therapy and Community Work Network, Vol. 2 Nr. 4 · Jul 1, 2015
This article tries to tie an evolutionary view on storytelling to the current state of affairs in education at an early age. In our view some recent insights and challenging suggestions by researchers can lead to innovation in in early education. Reintroducing working with stories could be just that.
T-Story - Storytelling Applied to Training
Co-author - Erasmus+ T-Story Consortium · October 2014
Authors: Barroca, A.; Neto C.; Martin, C.; Chesi, P.; Barroca, A.; Broer, Y.; Bratitsis, T.; Godio, C.; Szczygielska, E.; Lasocinska, K; Toia, M; Fruhmann, P.; González, R.; Martin, M.; (2014) Storytelling Applied to Training (Book: ISBN 978-989-99269-4-3; CD: ISBN 978-989-99269-5-0)
Frühmann P.
Stichting Toekomstbeleid der Techniek (STT) pub.no. STT 80, NUR 950 · Oct 1, 2014
'Y' is a short science fiction story, written at STT's request as part of a long-term future study by STT (Foundation for the Future Policy of Technology). The explorations can contribute to the development of a vision, agendas for the future but also to research programmes. Peter Frühmann was one of the 'storytellers' / authors who were asked to describe certain research results in an informative yet entertaining future story.